Our very own Dog Blog for training and the State of the Trade in The Age of Wingnuts and Zealots.
A collection of articles written by Linda Kaim on the State of Dog.
All comments are moderated, but open, intelligent discourse is welcome. Posts MUST be signed with a real name. Anonymous, unsigned comments will not be published. Inflammatory, troll-like behavior will not be rewarded by inclusion, nor will profanity, threats to my person or other nonsense. Spam is welcome in some parts of the world, I guess, but not here.
If you are still with me, read on…
How dogs learn: Applying leash pressure in dog training
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSyurPPXhB8 Using a buckle collar and a leash in a fixed position, watch carefully how the puppy learns to make eye contact without auditory input. Articulating my physical position and fixing the leash length in opposition to the...
Gastronomic Delights
This was taken out of one dogs' gut, at one time. Apparently, a 7 month old Labrador Retriever was admitted to the Campbell River Veterinary Hospital in British Columbia with lack of appetite and loose stools. A Gastronomy was performed to liberate this pup of its...
Doodles and Poos, Designer Dog Advantage or Trendy Fad?
Designer Dogs, Doodles and Poos There is a conundrum regarding the validity of claims surrounding the "designer dog" market. First we must distinguish what makes a pure breed of dog, what constitutes a mutt, mongrel or mixed bred dog, and what exactly is a "designer...
Choosing a Dog Trainer
Choosing a Dog Trainer When choosing a Dog Trainer, selecting a Dog Obedience Training School or Problem Dog Behavior Counseling, Lionheart K9 offers some valid and worthwhile tips to help you make the right decision: Whether you are looking for dog training tips on...
Choosing a Pure Bred Dog or purchasing a Pure Breed Puppy
Choosing a Pure Bred Dog or purchasing a Pure Breed Puppy for Your Household Choosing the 'right dog' for your household should be less of the impulse buy it has become to a heavily researched, informed decision. More emphasis is placed on the refrigerator in your...
Adopting a Dog from an Animal Shelter or Breed Rescue
Adopting a Dog from an Animal Shelter or Breed Rescue There are countless thousands of good dogs in Animal Shelters across Maryland and Pennsylvania. Each arrived there by only one of four ways; Animal Control pick-up, Public stray, Abandoned at Shelter and Owner...
Dog Trainer’s Dilemma
I came across this in one of the news feeds I receive daily. Apparently an individual who obviously took advantage of the good nature of the Home Depot she frequents, placed her dog in a compromising situation and allowed it to make aggressive contact with an...
The ‘minion’ clause
Minions of the Dog Trainer Wars This is for blogger Ruth Crisler I had written an article of sorts for my website years ago when I contemplated the value of 'certification' through the various dog training organizations. One of the organizations I belonged to had...
‘Pressure’ and it’s application in dog training
I was asked to look in on a client of mine from quite a few years ago, a clever little Schnauzer I had initially been called upon to help with housebreaking issues. It would seem that although his previous issues were long resolved, he had become intolerant of...
The Chewing Challenge
A few days ago I was perusing one of the few dog training lists I remain a member of and read a post from an individual who was having difficulty with a young dog not dropping articles willingly and the difficulty he was experiencing with teaching the dog what is...