Our very own Dog Blog for training and the State of the Trade in The Age of Wingnuts and Zealots.
A collection of articles written by Linda Kaim on the State of Dog.
All comments are moderated, but open, intelligent discourse is welcome. Posts MUST be signed with a real name. Anonymous, unsigned comments will not be published. Inflammatory, troll-like behavior will not be rewarded by inclusion, nor will profanity, threats to my person or other nonsense. Spam is welcome in some parts of the world, I guess, but not here.
If you are still with me, read on…
Why Are We Drugging Dogs?
Why Are We Drugging Dogs: A Growing Problem This image is a snapshot being used simply to depict this dog's state of concern. Each and every one of us has experienced some form of concern, maybe even fear, when we try something that is totally out of our comfort zone....
NJ SB 3814 – Flawed Policy With Unintended Consequences
NJ SB 3814 proposed bill to establish a Dog Training Licensing Board introduces significant regulatory changes to the dog training industry.
Effective Dog Training That Works
Effective Dog Training That Works: How to Build Reliable Behavior Without Conflict. Stop buying promises, start seeing real change.
Why I Don’t Support Most Shelters and Rescues
It’s rare when humans apply critical thinking skills to anything related to dog ownership. It’s the rare individual who will engage in any form of planning regarding dog acquisition, care, training, or any other facet of dog ownership.
Basic VS Foundational Dog Obedience
Lionheart K9 offers specialized, results-based dog training. The methods incorporate a balance of scientifically sound principles, focusing on positive reinforcement, and tailored tools to address individual dog and owner needs. The goal is to achieve long-term, cooperative behavior without reliance on equipment
The Best Dog Training Strategy
Every successful dog training strategy starts with aligning desire with ability and the willingness to make honest effort.
Old School
Where my friend wanted me to come up with a different way of conferring a great depth of knowledge, I chose to embrace the ‘Old School’ moniker.
My Life With Dogs
My life with my dogs is the 21st century girl equivalent of Steinbeck’s “Travels With Charley”, except my story is still unfolding.
When Good Intentions Becomes Counter-Productive
When Good Intentions become Counter Productive. This is about folks that are more than willing to support mythical nonsense about dogs
SLO Down! A Conversation on Ethics in Dog Training
Ethics aren’t just what we shouldn’t do to dogs, it’s also what we shouldn’t do to people. Owners, clients, other trainers, even ourselves