by lkaim | May 26, 2019 | Dog Trainers, Dog Training Tools, Electronic Dog Training Collars, Maryland Dog Training
I have to say, I am almost embarrased to admit that I train dogs. What used to bring me great pride and incredible fulfillment has become a hotly devisive, contentious, provocative topic. Between the Trainer Wars with various camps extolling the virtue of a particular...
by lkaim | Dec 27, 2016 | Dog Trainers, Dog Training Anecdotes, Dogs, Maryland Dog Training
The New Year is creeping closer, and already the cash registers at every gym and fitness center on the planet is ringing. The murmurations of every overweight, soft, unfit, couch-riding over-eater can be heard for miles as they flock to the nearest sweatshop for...
by lkaim | Jun 10, 2013 | Dogs, Maryland Dog Training, Maryland Puppy Training
What a trained dog starts to look like after only 5 weeks of work. Zwei is shown demonstrating the training skills he had learned in the first five weeks of a ten week program. He was just 13 months old. Up to the day this was filmed, Zwei’s exposure to this...
by lkaim | Feb 1, 2013 | Dogs, Maryland Dog Training
The winter is finally upon us. A little manic depressive behavior for all that, sub zero temperatures for over a week to days in the 60s and 70s. The dogs are struggling with the changes and so are the humans. It has made our training endeavors…interesting....
by lkaim | Nov 27, 2012 | Dog Training Tools, Dogs, Maryland Dog Training
The many things training your dog in public prepares you for are endless. By the same token, there are some things you should prepare for when you venture away from familiar grounds and decide to take your dog training to the next level. I offer a limited-entry Basic...