Lionheart K9's Dog Blog on dog training, nutrition and health

Our very own Dog Blog for training and the State of the Trade in The Age of Wingnuts and Zealots.

A collection of articles written by Linda Kaim on the State of Dog.

ALL Dog Blog posts that appear here are copyright protected and I will hunt you down like a varmint if I see them appear on the interwebz without full attribution. All you need to do is ask! Not everyone agrees with my opinions, but as long as this is the Home of the Free and the Land of the Brave, I am entitled to share my views. You on the other hand, are not entitled to threaten me, ridicule me, attack me or otherwise annoy me.

All comments are moderated, but open, intelligent discourse is welcome. Posts MUST be signed with a real name. Anonymous, unsigned comments will not be published. Inflammatory, troll-like behavior will not be rewarded by inclusion, nor will profanity, threats to my person or other nonsense. Spam is welcome in some parts of the world, I guess, but not here.

If you are still with me, read on…


More Poo Chronicles… What poop tells us

It's not that I am overly fascinated by poo. As a matter of course, I am pretty repulsed by it. I have become a wizard of the poop scoop 'flick' that can get even the most difficult or sticky poo off the ground and into the scoop shovel. Long grass and putty poo? No...

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Selecting a Puppy

Here goes a tongue-in-cheek look at definitions created by the culture of dogs: There is a Great Divide in dogs today. The interpretations below are based on the context of their use through the ages, dating back many decades wherever dogs and humans found themselves...

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Service dog or pet? What’s the difference?

As with all stories, there are two sides to everything: Service-Assistance dogs enable their disabled owners to function productively in society, helping them with tasks that are outside the physical scope of many; opening doors, turning on lights, assisting them with...

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The Poo Chronicles; Foreign Bodies and Colorful Poop

I have been getting a rash of desperate calls lately. I recently fielded a call from a potential client with two neutered male dogs aged 2 and 4. She had previously lost a middle-aged dog to an emergency bowel resection that turned septic and had already experienced a...

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Language of Dog Training

In an era where language is being hijacked to further agendas, it should come as no surprise that the language of Dog Training is no longer exempt. The language is being tainted with a political correctness not seen to this degree in any other industrial vernacular....

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