by lkaim | Jan 16, 2011 | Dog Politics, Dog Trainers, Dog Training Tools, Maryland Dog Training
Minions of the Dog Trainer Wars This is for blogger Ruth Crisler I had written an article of sorts for my website years ago when I contemplated the value of ‘certification’ through the various dog training organizations. One of the organizations I belonged...
by lkaim | Nov 16, 2010 | Dog Training Tools, Electronic Dog Training Collars, Maryland Dog Training
I was asked to look in on a client of mine from quite a few years ago, a clever little Schnauzer I had initially been called upon to help with housebreaking issues. It would seem that although his previous issues were long resolved, he had become intolerant of...
by lkaim | Nov 4, 2010 | Dog Poop, Maryland Dog Training, Maryland Puppy Training
A few days ago I was perusing one of the few dog training lists I remain a member of and read a post from an individual who was having difficulty with a young dog not dropping articles willingly and the difficulty he was experiencing with teaching the dog what is...
by lkaim | Oct 25, 2010 | Dog Training Anecdotes, Maryland Dog Training, Maryland Puppy Training
I was interviewing a potential client the other day when this question came up. We were walking in our middle pasture with a couple of puppies who were busy investigating the nooks and crannies for groundhogs and bunnies, making mad dashes for the stream and whirling...
by lkaim | Apr 2, 2010 | Dog Training Tools, Maryland Dog Training
The world of the internet abounds with information regarding the selection and use of dog training equipment, specifically collars and other devices of more recent design ostensibly to facilitate the training of dogs. This article was constructed to provide...