Our very own Dog Blog for training and the State of the Trade in The Age of Wingnuts and Zealots.
A collection of articles written by Linda Kaim on the State of Dog.
All comments are moderated, but open, intelligent discourse is welcome. Posts MUST be signed with a real name. Anonymous, unsigned comments will not be published. Inflammatory, troll-like behavior will not be rewarded by inclusion, nor will profanity, threats to my person or other nonsense. Spam is welcome in some parts of the world, I guess, but not here.
If you are still with me, read on…
What is dog boarding and training?
Dog boarding and training is a popular option that many people seek, because the internet has convinced them that it will solve a whole host of problems without any effort on their part. Nothing could be further from the truth... There may be valid reasons to choose...
Nobody can eat just one
Do you have multiple dogs? Remember the Lays Potato Chip commercial? The tagline was "nobody can eat just one!" I know the ad dates me, but that should be a comfort and not a surprise for you youngsters who didn't have the luxury of growing up in the saturated fat...
Show Dog Obedience
The ‘show dog’ obedience is all about manners, or should be, as it should be with dogs in any discipline. The measure of performance begins and ends in a pass or fail scenario on the field of judgement.
Dog Training Tools
Dog training tools are generally comprised of a leash and collar that we use to communicate with dogs. Whether that collar is a buckle, martingale, chain, prong, or electronic, it is still accompanied by a leash that acts as a conduit for information that flows both...
What is a dog trainer?
I have to say, I am almost embarrassed to admit that I am a dog trainer. What used to bring me great pride and incredible fulfillment has become a hotly debated, divisive, contentious, provocative topic. Between the Dog Trainer Wars with various camps extolling the...
Private In-home dog training in Westminster Maryland
Private In home dog training in Westminster, Maryland. Puppy training, basic obedience, aggression, anxiety, housebreaking and more.
Dog Behaviorist vs Dog Trainer
The concept of a dog behaviorist isn’t surprising, since the term dog trainer seems to conjure an image of a drooling, toothless troglodyte these days, while the term behaviorist renders the image of a sensitive intellectual steeped in academia that can solve your dogs issues with a prescription pad and a pen.
Dog Behavior
The maddening insistence that dog behavior is somehow divorced from dog obedience is an addlepated view of a pretty straightforward problem. Dog behavior is an observable act. When a dog engages in a behavior, he is doing something. Whether that behavior is directed...
How to choose a dog trainer
How to choose a dog trainer Some years ago, in a discussion of ethics and professionalism in an unregulated industry (that would be dog training), a wise and thoughtful colleague shared his checklist. He's not with us anymore, but his wisdom lives on. Useful, too, for...
Dog ownership in the 21st Century.
Dog ownership in the 21st Century. What's next? Just like children, dogs are a product of their environment. If your child never goes anywhere or interacts with other children, it’s a fairly high probability that you will be named when your adult child seeks therapy...